Having a healthy work-life balance can feel impossible. Juggling the emotional investment of the nursing profession, the long, inflexible hours that are often required, and the time-consuming paperwork is exhausting enough. Adding in the little extra time nurses have to relax and enjoy loved ones and hobbies, and there’s a clear path to burnout - one that is causing many nurses to leave the field.
With CareRev, the impossible is no longer.
Lauren Berlin, Med/Surg RN from Milwaukee, WI recently spoke to our founder and CEO Will Patterson about how important flexibility is.
“CareRev saved my career… I was burnt out from nursing leadership.”
- Lauren Berlin, Med/Surg RN - Milwaukee, WI
Check out more from their chat during Will's 2022 roadshow below:
With the CareRev platform, Lauren is able to take control of her life personally and professionally. She is empowered as a nurse entrepreneurto take command of where, when, and how often she wants to work. That allows her the space for hobbies like coaching track and field. It also allows her the flexibility to create a sustainable work-life balance, something she needs in order to bring her best self to the bedside.
With an easy-to-use interface, professionals on the CareRev platform can quickly find shifts that align with their ideal schedules. For Lauren, the simplicity behind crafting her own schedule is one of the main reasons she joined the CareRevolution. Professionals can see opportunities available, upload important certification documents, and view pay all in one place.
"Coaching track is a big part of my life. Now I am able to get back to that. It just puts a huge smile on my face. Just being able to be there is really important.”